When most people think of air rifles they envision their youth spent dispatching soda cans and vermin with a BB gun. But today’s air rifles are far more sophisticated. They can fire projectiles of up to a half-inch in diameter with incredible accuracy and generate upwards of 700 foot-pounds of energy making them perfect for hunting small game, predators, and even large game like whitetails and feral hogs.

The key to the power of a modern PCP (Pre Charged Pneumatic) is air pressure. These guns hold a reserve of air that is compressed up to 2700 to 3000 pounds per square inch (PSI) – to put that in perspective the PSI in a lorry tyre is 90 to 100. The best PCP’s have regulators that manage the amount of air that feeds into the firing valve allowing you to control the power consistency of every shot.

Some of the newest and most exciting developments in air rifles are ‘big bore’ models that generate a lot of power. These are based on pneumatic systems but with an additional reservoir that enables them to store much more pressure. This extra power enables hunters to use these rifles for big game like deer and wild hogs if they comply with the minimum caliber and foot-pounds of energy requirements set by their state.

Many states now allow air rifles to be used during regular big game seasons and Pyramyd has an easy-to-use interactive map if you want to find out more. Whether you’re just looking for an exciting diversion or a way to practice before the next deer season, an air rifle offers fun and affordable shooting and is a great entry into gun ownership for kids and adults. air rifles