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There were a number of high tech innovations used to get the goods from one place to another during World War II. Malen nach Zahlen The most impressive of these was the “Osmosis” system, a computer programme that helped in the decoding of the coded messages sent over the radio by German and American soldiers to each other.
This was a highly efficient system, based on a large-scale data collection using a network of radio receivers arranged in a matrix. The results were processed to yield a database of over 400,000 messages, which was used to construct an extensive network of relays. The resulting digitisation of the data gave rise to the largest database of its kind in the world.
The eponymous osmosis system was not only a technological marvel, it also spawned an entire industry, which continues to this day. In particular, there has been a growing interest in digital archiving which is fast becoming a serious business in Germany. The aforementioned “Osmosis” system has been replicated in many other countries, and is now regarded as the best and most cost-effective solution to the problem of storing and preserving large collections for generations to come.
This was a highly efficient system, based on a large-scale data collection using a network of radio receivers arranged in a matrix. The results were processed to yield a database of over 400,000 messages, which was used to construct an extensive network of relays. The resulting digitisation of the data gave rise to the largest database of its kind in the world.
The eponymous osmosis system was not only a technological marvel, it also spawned an entire industry, which continues to this day. In particular, there has been a growing interest in digital archiving which is fast becoming a serious business in Germany. The aforementioned “Osmosis” system has been replicated in many other countries, and is now regarded as the best and most cost-effective solution to the problem of storing and preserving large collections for generations to come.