The faintest sniff of global economic recovery is being smelt right now in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. For it is here that one young couple we know are feeling enough house-market positivity to embark on the arduous process of moving home.

Considering a more rural location, perhaps they’ve reached a certain age where town living isn’t as appealing as it was once-upon-a-curry-night ago. Typically, the impetus for change is being driven by the lady of the house. This hard shove is being felt by none more so than the ‘paterfamilias’, having spent the last few weeks tool-box in hand. All recent spare time has been spent cleaning, tidying, painting, de-cluttering and fixing. No mean feat with a young daughter running them both ragged!

It’s all been worth it though. What was already an extremely attractive property in a great location now has even more curbside appeal. Once inside, it even appears more spacious. Everything is shiny and new for all those prospective buyers to admire. A speedy sale is assured.

Like selling a house, appearance is everything in business. Yet everyday I see small elements that severely tarnish business image. One reason for this is that we’re often told to “focus on the bigger picture”; repainting the door won’t bring us new customers!

Well, yes and no. How do you react to dead links on a website? Do you say hey-ho and continue to browse the site? I expect you return to Google and search elsewhere. It’s not just dead links, typos on or offline, out of date news or poor quality stationery. A recent annoyance is “Twitter Spam” – unsolicited followers offering links to porn, dubious tablets and get rich quick schemes. Hardly the sort of association most businesses would welcome yet they can be blocked so easily.

This is all down to ensuring all customer touch points are inspected and polished regularly. Every one of them speaks volumes about your business and the emphasis you place on attention to detail. Every sub-optimal feature conspires to create an impression. Not a good one either. Few of us would go on a first-date wearing odd socks (no matter how trendy it was) or show buyers around your property without sweeping the floors first so why not apply the same care to a business? Chances are, your customers will reward you. customized dress socks