So you want to get healthy. That’s great! I’m here to help. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about getting healthy, it is that you need help to get there in the first place and to stay that way consistently. I have compiled this book to help those looking to increase their fitness level, eat a bit healthier, lose weight, feel better and to make a lifestyle change. I believe that the best way to do this is through connecting to others, as well as connecting to yourself.
We are all looking for someone to motivate us, hold us accountable, tell us to keep going when we don’t want to and for people not to judge us as we tackle this health, wellness and fitness journey (what I like to call, living a healthy lifestyle). What better way to do this than through connecting with online communities through social media.
Social media a great way to connect with people that are like-minded. People who have been where you are, can encourage and motivate you to reach your goals. The best part of connecting with people through online communities is, IT’S FREE. Who doesn’t like getting something for free? You will get free advice, encouragement, motivation, recipes, suggested workouts, and a community of people who will not judge you if you fall down.
This healthy lifestyle journey is a process and if you can connect with like-minded people on your journey it will make the journey a little easier. Being a part of an online community can also help you to find the process that works for you. What one person might do to get to where they are on their journey may not be the same process that works for you. But being a part of a community gives you the opportunity to try different things that may or may not work. You will find a process that works for you and that process will help you to reach your goals.
Although you may walk this journey alone (you have to put in the work, no one can put it in for you) you don’t have to do it alone. You will need the encouragement of others, people you can look to for advice, people to pull you up when you have fallen down and motivation from people who tell you, “If I can do it, you can also” The one thing I love seeing in an online fitness and health community are before and after pictures. This shows everyone, if they can do it, so can the next person.
Don’t you want people to encourage you and tell you that you are doing a great job? Everyone does and you will get this from the online community. But you have to be willing to share your pictures and make a collage of your progress. I know this may be embarrassing at first, but, you have to love yourself where you are so that as you go through the process, others will see how much you love yourself. Never be embarrassed at where you start because everyone has a starting point. Sometimes the best way to get that encouragement is to post a start pictures (which also helps with accountability) or a picture after you workout to get those encouraging words that we all love to hear.
One of the hardest things you will face on this healthy lifestyle journey is changing the way you think. No one is exempt from the negative thoughts about eating unhealthy food-“I wish this was a cheeseburger”-or not wanting to work out (“I’d rather watch TV”). How you handle these thoughts will be the difference between success and giving up.
When you start thinking things like “It’s too early,” “I can’t get up,” “I will start tomorrow,” “This isn’t working,” “It is too hard,” this is when you have to start telling yourself the opposite. When you think, “It is too early,” tell yourself, “Well, if I get up now and work out, I can take a nap later.”
What I have found is that, when people wait to work out later in the day, if they usually work out in the morning, they don’t end up working out later because they get too tired or too busy by the end of the day. Sometimes you have to just force yourself to get up. I have had to do this on many days-but once I am up and moving around, I am ready to work out.
When it comes to healthy eating and negative thoughts, you have to be strong for yourself. There may be times when you give in to the cravings, but this should not be all the time. You have to be able to tell yourself, “I am not going to eat [fries] today. I can wait to eat this for my free meal.” Another way to get through the negative thought of eating unhealthy food is to always bring your own food not matter where you go. youtube social shares