The Wholesale Handbags business is growing by leaps and bounds and today women have to have more than one handbag which makes starting a Wholesale Handbags business a very popular business to pursue.
Before making your choice of handbags to sell in your Wholesale Handbags business you will need to do some research to see which handbags you are actually going to be able to purchase at a wholesale price. Some name brands such as Michael Kors, Dolce & Gabbana, Chloe, Gucci, and Coach will only sign a contract with certain department stores or major retailers so there is no way for you as a little person to get your hands on the actual name brand handbags without a contract. By doing your research over the internet you will have access to the manufactures that produce the handbags so you can contact them directly.
It is very difficult to predict which handbags are going to sell well in the beginning so you will want to try a few different brands to see which ones do best. Try to limit yourself to start out with only two or three styles of bags/purses and see how they sell and as you gain popularity in your business you can add or subtract a handbag depending on how it is selling. The main reason for starting out with just two or three handbags is due to the financial set back that you are going to experience in the beginning and you want to limit that money output at that time as much as you can.
After you have decided which handbags you will be selling you have a very big decision to make in where you are intending to sell these handbags/purses at. You may choose to take them to your local stores and have them purchase their stock directly to you, this is a good way to start out if you can find a couple of stores that would be interested in carrying your variety of bags.
You may also decide to make a catalog of your various bags and start your own home shopping programs, or turn to the internet with an e-commerce store to provide your Wholesale Handbags online. This can be a great money making opportunity that allows you to share your love of handbags. sales michael kors handbags