wpm test is an online typing assessment that gives your a standardized measure of your text-entry speed in words per minute. This is a simple way to assess someone’s typing skills for a job interview or to simply see how fast they can type.
This test measures both your speed and accuracy by counting each word you type without removing mistakes or retyping them. This gives a more accurate picture of your real typing ability compared to the traditional Hunt and Peck method. It also allows you to choose between two different modes of entry: touch typing and regular keyboard. The standard mode allows you to enter words and punctuation as you would normally, while the second mode lets you enter numbers as well. Both are excellent ways to practice and improve your typing dexterity.
The results page displays your overall score in words per minute (WPM) and a percentage of your accuracy. It is also possible to view a breakdown of your performance by mistake, character count, and consistency. The elapsed time and retry limit are displayed as well. This typing test is free to use and available in many languages.
A high enough typing speed can be an important aspect of getting a good job. Typically, a legal secretary will need to have around 50-60 WPM while a computer coder should be able to reach 70-75. However, some advanced positions may require even higher speeds than this.
A high enough typing speed can be an important aspect of getting a good job. Typically, a legal secretary will need to have around 50-60 WPM while a computer coder should be able to reach 70-75. However, some advanced positions may require even higher speeds than this. wpm test