Cyber security is the process of securing sensitive information from criminal attacks using tools and technology like computer software, password protection, antivirus software, firewalls, next-generation firewalls, intrusion detection systems and more. While this technology is vital for businesses and individuals, it’s also crucial to ensure that critical infrastructure like power plants, schools and hospitals continue to function properly. Cyber defense isn’t just about preventing data breaches, it is about protecting the people and things we all rely on for our daily lives including our banks, hospitals, homes and even our personal photos and files.

Cyber threats can be very difficult to deal with because attackers often operate anonymously using proxies, temporary anonymous dial-up accounts, wireless connections and other anonymizing procedures. This makes identifying them and prosecuting them challenging because law enforcement officers don’t have the time or budget to pursue every threat they see. Instead, cybersecurity teams must focus their efforts on detecting and responding to all attacks, even those that are successful.

A strong cybersecurity strategy doesn’t just involve high-tech tools, technologies and programs, but it must be supported by the right people. Educating employees about the company’s policies on cybersecurity, best practices and incident reporting is key to reducing negligence that could lead to a breach. Additionally, the majority of cybersecurity jobs are now performed remotely thanks to advancements in technology and secure communication methods. This means that there are still many opportunities available for those interested in a career in cybersecurity. Managed Detection and Response