As a full-time city dweller, I love the feeling of being hands-free when out and about. Designer crossbody bags make this easy by allowing you to stash essentials without the need for a clutch or shoulder bag. A popular silhouette on the runway, the best designer crossbody bags offer both fashion and function in a sleek finish.

From puffed up leather to wide-strap styles, our edit of the best designer crossbody bags will keep you on top of your game. Look to Loewe’s puffed-up Puffer Goya bag for a designer style that taps into the 2021 runway trend of Western chic while staying true to its brand aesthetic; pair with jeans and a cowboy boot or your go-to denim miniskirt. Or, try Kate Spade’s Rosie style with pebbled leather and a Barbie pink hue for a playful yet sophisticated finish, perfect for running errands or your local farmers market on the weekend.

For a more structured silhouette, the Tory Burch Small Eleanor convertible crossbody bag is a great option that allows you to choose between a slouchy handbag and an elevated shoulder bag. Its buttery smooth leather construction is complemented by its interior slip pocket for compact organization.

If you’re looking to add a touch of luxury to your day-to-day wardrobe, snag the coveted Prada Slim Side Bag with its clean lines and minimal design. Its branded with painted metal lettering and finished with gold hardware for a truly luxe feel. And if you’re worried about the cost, don’t fret: FWRD vice president April Koza notes that the label’s bag collections hold their value well at resale, meaning they won’t break your bank account in the long run.