Spa and wellness are often seen as two distinct entities, but it is crucial to understand that they are two components of a holistic approach to healthy living. Wellness includes all aspects of a person’s health, including but not limited to physical and mental well-being.
GWI defines a wellness spa as “an establishment that promotes health and well-being through therapeutic and other professional services, such as massages, facials, body treatments, salon, water-based treatments, spa products and health assessments.” These activities are rooted in the ancient healing traditions of many cultures.
As spas reopen after the pandemic, it is important for them to convey their value as part of a complete wellness experience. In this way, they can reassure clients that they are on the right track to their wellness goals.
In addition to reaffirming their role as a provider of wellness, spas need to educate their guests on how to continue wellness habits at home. This can be done through a variety of methods, including social media, email, onsite events and education programs, but most importantly by providing resources to help them succeed in their own health journey.
Wellness is a process of becoming aware and conscious of all dimensions of one’s self. It is the balance of these dimensions that allows a person to achieve optimal health and happiness. Achieving optimal health requires a positive perspective, values and commitment as well as a proactive lifestyle. These are all essential to wellness and, therefore, should be included in any effective strategy for promoting it.